Yesterday my life may have ultimately been saved by my gut. Long story short, I allowed an eighteen wheeler to move in front of me rather than make him wait until I passed him. As soon as I did, I felt completely panicked and knew I 'had' to change lanes. I was so panic stricken that I actually cut another car off in order to get out from behind the truck. The very second I crossed into the new lane, the truck's tire and part of his wheel flew off and was sent flying 70 miles an hour directly behind him where I had been just one second before. I cannot explain how I knew to leave that lane at that moment, but this was not an isolated incident.
I have been 'feeling' things before they happen all of my life. Sometimes it comes to me in words, sometimes in pictures and sometimes in emotion. So far I have been unable to tap into the gift of my sixth sense and use it as I want to, but I get a chuckle every time it happens. Yesterday I was very thankful for it. This morning I started to think about the things our gut tells us and how true it is that you should trust what it says. I trusted my gut yesterday because the panic felt raw and I acted on instinct. That was a good move. However, I have had many situations where my gut told me to do something and I took too long to listen.
We all have our doubts in certain situations. Sometimes our own insecurities lead us to question the actions of others. Many times when our gut speaks to us, we question its validity, especially when it presents a potential uncomfortable outcome. And just as many times we allow our fears to manifest as gut feelings and believe them. As humans we are programmed to take the path of least resistance. Our gut instinct has not followed the same evolutionary path. Our gut instinct is still very much that, instinct. I do not believe it is influenced by our conscious wants and needs. However I think our wants and needs influence how we perceive that moment of instinct and how we allow it to effect us.
Trust your gut. But only in that instant. Insecurities are not instinct.
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