Today I was leaving a gas station convenience store. I turned when someone called my name. Sitting in a car was a woman that works off site for our company. I do know her by name and obviously she me. She stops in the office on occasion for paperwork and to speak to her supervisor. I do not know much more about her.
I stood next to her car making small talk. I was glad she had a dog with her, as petting the dog and making stupid cooing noises to it, kept me from having to make up conversation or eye contact.
My car was parked right next to hers. After saying good bye I opened my car door and got inside. "did you get a new car?" she asked. Indeed I had a few months back purchased a new vehicle. I told her I had and bid farewell. As I was driving, I got to thinking. How did this woman know I had a new car? Quite frankly I was surprised she even remembered my name.
This triggered me to wonder just how invisible I really am, or am not in this case. Could it be possible that people do know me? Care to know me? That someone I only see several times a year would notice that I am driving a new car? Or that I drive at all? Could it be that my insignificance truly is just in my mind? That I do matter to an extent to people outside of my immediate circle?
I felt good for a few minutes. I felt bigger and more confident. For an instant I believed I had something to offer. Perhaps if I stop avoiding social situations I may just see that people enjoy my company. That maybe I wont always hear "Who are you again?".
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